Australian Mother of Pearl Co. P/L

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1pc Paua heart blanks 25-30x25-30x1mm
Paua abalone (New Zealand Paua shell) flat inlay blanks heart material size 25 - 30mm (1 - 1.18") width x 25 - 30mm (1 - 1.18") length x 1mm (0.04") thickness A grade good on at least 1 side may have some worm damage or shell skin on edges of reverse side.
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Product Description
Paua abalone (New Zealand Paua shell) flat inlay blanks heart material size 25 - 30mm (1 - 1.18") width x 25 - 30mm (1 - 1.18") length x 1mm (0.04") thickness A grade good on at least 1 side may have some worm damage or shell skin on edges of reverse side.
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