Australian Mother of Pearl Co. P/L

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Mother of Pearl watch dials are cut to specific size, style and thickness. Available in number of shell types, polished or cut only, with or without center hole. Select from listed products or made to specific order. All shell pcs are A grade good on both sides no cracks or holes.
Sub Categories
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dialsAwabi watch dialsBlack Mother of Pearl  watch dialsBrownlip Mother of Pearl  watch dials
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dials

Awabi watch dials

Black Mother of Pearl watch dials

Brownlip Mother of Pearl watch dials

Fresh Water Pearl watch dialsGreen abalone watch dialsGold Mother of Pearl  watch dialsGreen Turban (Green snail) watch dials
Fresh Water Pearl watch dials

Green abalone watch dials

Gold Mother of Pearl watch dials

Green Turban (Green snail) watch dials

Paua shell watch dialsWhite Mother of Pearl watch dials
Paua shell watch dials

White Mother of Pearl watch dials

Shell watch dials

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